The best way to improve your team’s performance and to help them become more multi-skilled is to provide the necessary training to the staff members. Training will help a lot in making the training staff member multi-skilled.
Important Considerations
As you train your staff, you should be careful about who you train for what purpose. Make sure that the training is intended to improve staff’s ability to perform their job properly and to increase the performance of other employees in your company. The training should also enhance their abilities.
The best way to make the training staff multi-skilled is to provide regular training sessions. Training can provide you with an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the group and can also help in developing mutual trust between the members of the team. This is very important if you want to be able to help your staff members become better multi-skilled.
Guiding Principles
The most important part of the training that you provide to your staff members is to give them guidelines and a clear set of expectations from each employee. Your expectations should be clearly stated and clearly defined in order to avoid misunderstanding. The goals should also be clear so that they can be achieved. Training should be organized in such a way that everyone is getting his/her share of work done at the same time and without interfering.

When you plan to train your staff members, you should appoint a designated individual as a supervisor and you should also assign to the management team a person who is responsible for training your staff members. Make sure that these two persons are able to focus on one single department at a time.
Always avoid telling your staff members that they can only perform one particular task or that they are not allowed to perform any job. You should be specific and tell them that you expect them to be able to do all tasks which are assigned to them. You should also tell them that they are expected to be able to perform their task according to your instructions.
Ongoing Training
Finally, you should also assign to the training supervisor a coordinator who will monitor the progress of the staff members after the training sessions. The coordinator should be responsible for assigning the necessary training to the employees. In case there is no more need of the training or the staff member is already trained, the coordinator should remind him/her of the training so that he/she will know where to get further training. The training coordinator should also be responsible for providing feedback to the management team to see how much has been achieved by the employees through the training.
You should also keep a record of the training so that you will know the number of the staff members who are able to do various tasks after the training. This will help you track how well your training program is working and it will also help you determine whether the training is working effectively or not.